Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Apia: restored

         You can relax.  The unnatural order has been restored:  I can again do my age in push-ups and crunches.
Whenever I stop for  long—and yesterday was the first time I did my full work-out since May 2, the day before Carol and I boarded the train in Chicago—I wonder if I will be able to do my age again.  
Life aboard GANNET is naturally active and healthy—except for skin.  As a young man who climbed down to view GANNET’s Great Cabin noted, “This requires you to be flexible.” Then, “This keeps you flexible.”  He was right on both counts.  But push-ups and crunches use slightly different muscles than sailing.
I started last week with 50 push-ups.  Then two days later 60.  And yesterday went for the full 72, followed by the two sets of 40.
There is always the question of how long my muscles can keep up with my age.  So far I’m still good.


A mostly rainy morning with continued solid overcast this afternoon.  I found Ajax ashore and intended to scrub stains from the deck, and still may.
I started to walk the mile/1.6 kilometers into town this morning, but was caught by resuming rain and took shelter under a tree before deciding to return to GANNET.
Apia has a population of 40,000, making it the fourth biggest city/town between Honolulu and New Zealand.  Noumea, New Caledonia and Suva, Fiji, both are about 80,000.  ‘Greater’ Papeete 130,000.  

The photo above is titled:  Inverted man at masthead with courtesy flags.”

This one:  Still Life with Head Bucket.

And this is the bar/restaurant overlooking the marina, The Tide, which calls itself a cocktail lounge.
           I have just signed a contract with them to shower in the cockpit twice a day.  One for the lunch crowd.  Once at Happy Hour.  This is great.  I’ve always wanted to be in show business.